Jako kameraman a režisér se zaměřuji na zachycení světa zbraní, produktů, zbraňových doplňků a všech těch, kteří je používají. Usiluji o to, aby mé práce vynikaly filmovou kvalitou a silným vizuálním dojmem, přičemž všechny techniky jsem se naučil samostatně skrze vlastní praxi a experimentování. Své video projekty vytvářím společně s kolegou Stanislavem Peterou pod značkou StratCom Studio.

As a cameraman and director, I focus on capturing the world of firearms, products, weapon accessories, and the people who use them. I strive to ensure that my work stands out with cinematic quality and a strong visual impact, all of which I have learned independently through hands-on practice and experimentation. I create my video projects together with my colleague, Stanislav Petera, under the brand StratCom Studio.


StratCom Studio Night vision showreel

Act in Black marketing videos


Czech Air Force 211 Tiger Squadron

Czech Armed forces marketing video


Czech Air Force 212 Tactical Squadron

Czech Armed forces marketing video


22nd Helicopter Airbase of the Czech Air Force

Czech Armed forces marketing video


The Silencer

Marketing video clip for the Czech firearms producer G.I.S.


Czech Army

44. Infantry motorized light batalion


Retia ReTwis 5+

Retia marketing video



Nitecore Tactical Flashlight PR video clip.


Ceska Zbrojovka

CZ Firearms factory marketing video clip


Ceska Zbrojovka

CZ Firearms factory showreel and backstage from the photo shooting video clip


Walther firearms 2018

Walther Firearms marketing video clip


Walther firearms Patrol Police

Walther Firearms marketing video clip


Walther firearms Close Protection

Walther Firearms marketing video clip


Walther firearms Anti Drug Operation

Walther Firearms marketing video clip


Walther firearms SWAT

Walther Firearms marketing video clip